"Ingeniero en Desarrollo de Software, Especializado en el área Frontend, apasionado por la tecnologia y todo el tema sobre desarrollo de software"
Portfolio externo o Web personal: (Agrega 1 link)
Tecnologías y habilidades:
Programación Web
Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Sobre mi:
Web and Software Developer with 6 years of hands-on experience focused on client-side technologies. Expertise is within React and Javascript, with experience in ReactJs. I have developed websites for multiple companies, with high user demand using technologies such as AJAX and RESTful services, with great experience solving bugs in production. also, I start working with C# and Netcore in my last job experience. I started learning python and Data Structures and Algorithms in-depth for my professional interest
Historia laboral:
Bluagent Technologies
Created and shipped features for the Existing Software Solution SAAS of Blue Agent V2 frontend and backend using RectJS and Redux, .Net Core
Muestra de mis trabajos:
Español : Lengua Materna
Inglés : Nivel avanzado